Saturday, September 17, 2011

Had an interesting conversation with a friend yesterday about acceptance.  My friend commented on how they admire my acceptance of all people…well…those who offer respect and are nice. 

I’ve never understood how folks fail to accept another just because of how society stereotypes a group of individuals.  To me, a person is a person.  Doesn’t matter if they’re purple with yellow polka dots.  If they’re nice, then they’re nice.  If they’re a jerk, then that’s what they are.  Has nothing to do with how they look or what affiliation they might be.

An odd duckling myself who has always walked to the tune of my own drummer, I’m drawn to those who stand out in society.  I like that, cause I’ve found that by being open-minded, I’ve been blessed to interact and become friends with some of the most amazing individuals who are beyond humble, caring and compassionate.

It takes amazing inner strength to not only recognize that one is different but also to be able to stand up to society’s scrutiny, head held high, and truly accept one’s self.  I stand in awe of my friends who embrace and exact this mentality, knowing what a difficult journey theirs can be.  But just as their trek may be challengeing, I know that the rewards they reap from being honest, open and transparent about who they are at their core far outweigh any animosity they might encounter from others.

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