Sunday, September 4, 2011

I had various conversations with some of my friends earlier today about relationships.   One of my girlfriends made the comment, “No one ever really knows what’s going on in someone else’s relationship.”  She went on to expound on how those outside a relationship see what they want, what others have led them to believe or what the rumor mill has created.

Most of these friends and I agree that it’s not worth the worry to fixate on what others think, too busy trying to live our lives the best we can.  Later in the day, another friend expounded on this subject by telling me that he’d finally given up caring what others think of him and was done worrying about those who try to dictate how he should live his life. 

Nodding my head, I agreed and added. “Exactly!  When our lives end, it will be us who are made to reconcile how we’ve lived.  If we took the time necessary to treat ourselves as a priority. 

In the middle of the day, this same conversation came up with yet another friend who is struggling with a relationship he’s in.  Though used by the woman he’s with, he’s afraid that nothing better will come his way.  I pointed out that while he remains with that woman, who doesn’t appreciate him and takes advantage, others, astute enough to sense the flaw in her character, would remain at arm’s length.  My friend had to agree.

Even in these examples of relationships, ones which I’m made privy to inside information on, I’m likely to still not be aware of what all is going on in the relationships.  Yes, I know some things, but my mind is let to fill in the gaps.  I try not to do so due to my overactive creative mind.  Don’t always succeed, but at least I try.

The biggest thing I avoid is the rumor mill.  I don’t start rumors and refuse to buy into those already floating around.  My opinion is that life is way too short for such things.  So, when it comes to the relationships of others, I take what I’m told about the relationships of others at face value, avoid coming up with my own conjectures and have no tolerance for chaos-invoking rumors.

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