Wednesday, August 31, 2011

There are days when we must do unpleasant things.  Today was one of those.  Well…it wasn’t that what I had to do was unpleasant—exactly—only that it made me sad.  I had to have a police officer come to my home to fill out a theft report.

I’ve never been able to wrap my mind around those who steal or lie.  Suppose my mind’s just not programmed that way or works on a different wavelength.  Anyhow, back to the police theft report….

Sadly, part of my wedding set and a tennis bracelet, willed to me by my grandmother, were stolen from my home.  It’s sad to have them gone.  Not due to the value, though that is a blow.  But the tennis bracelet had been in my family for over 100 years, each woman who owned it having added diamonds to it.  It was an amazing part of my family heritage. 
Regarding my wedding set….  That was an equal challenge, for it took my husband and I twenty-five years to save to be able to finally make me a wedding set.  We did so, with my designing the end product, two years ago for our twenty-fifth wedding anniversary.  It was a beautiful set, comprised of five smaller bands that made up the whole set.  Two of the bands, the ones that were stolen, I didn’t have on at the time of the theft, them tucked safely, or so I thought, away in my jewelry case.

On each of those bands, I’d added one of the two diamonds from my great grandmother’s wedding set.  Yeah, guess you could say I’m rather sentimental and enjoy surrounding myself with items that cause me to remember special individuals who have influenced my life, etc.
Thankfully, I do have appraisals on the stolen items and was able to make copies for the reporting officer.  He also dusted for fingerprints—very CSI.  Managed to lift one partial print that they’ll run through the system to see if they can find a match.  In the meantime, we wait.  The police will check surrounding pawnshops and keep an eye out for my items.  I’m keeping my fingers crossed….

The saddest part is that tomorrow is my husband’s and my twenty-seventh wedding anniversary.  I had to laugh at the irony, when talking to the reporting officer, of how for the twenty-five years I didn’t have my wedding set there was no problem.  But as soon as I had one made, whammo, part of it was stolen.  I’m grateful that I was wearing the rest of the bands at the time, or I imagine the whole set would be gone. 

Here’s hoping the police get lucky.  That they find a match to the print they took.  Better yet, it would be great if they could recover the stolen items…. 

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