Sunday, September 18, 2011

Some people opt to focus on the negative in life.  I endeavor to do the opposite.  For example, yesterday, I came across three individuals who dripped arrogance, rudeness and lack of any manners. 

Some who may have encountered these individuals would have allowed the negativity emitting from them to taint their experience.  Not me.  Instead, though I was perturbed with their overall lack of couth, I opted to focus on how those around, myself included, didn’t grant the rude three the chance to have the upper hand.  And when the rude three decided to up the pressure, hoping to insight an altercation, we positive thinkers maintained self-control.  By doing so, we didn’t add fuel to the already lapping flames. 

We smiled, held our ground and calmly pointed out that manners were the better way to go.  That the rude three should find a better way to handle themselves.  That no one was looking to have a fight, only go about their business, affording those around them the respect and dignity deserved.

It’s amazing how quickly bullies can be thrown off balance when faced with those who refuse to buy into their taunting.  Subjected to our positive attitude, the rude three had no recourse but to back down from their errant behavior, slipping into the background.  We positive thinkers couldn’t have been more thrilled.  Waiting until the rude three disappeared around the corner, the rest of us let out a sigh of relief.   Looking from one face to another, each of us smiled, satisfied that we had handled diffusing the situation in the best possible manner.

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