Monday, September 5, 2011

Walking out of my hotel room earlier today, I stumbled upon a situation I’ve always wondered about and how it would be handled should it arise.  Several doors down from my room, there was a host of four men kneeling on the hallway floor outside of one of my friend’s rooms.  One of those friends was standing alongside the maintenance workers who were feverously working on tearing apart the automated locking device on the door. 

Coming up even with them, the workers had just managed to successfully pry the entire locking device off the door, which was closed and latched.  Through the opening where the lock used to be, I could see movement inside the room.


My friend explained how he’d received a call from his girlfriend a while back, while he was down in the casino.  She’d told him that she was locked in the room.  Knowing she was tired from not having slept well the night before, he thought she meant she was locked outside the room, not inside as she’d indicated.

He hung up with his call and headed upstairs.  Rounding the corner from the elevator, he expected to see his girlfriend standing in the hallway at their door.  But what greeted him was nothing.  Getting to their room, he tried to open the automated door with his credit card-like key. 

He heard the unmistakable sound of the lock trying to open, but nothing happened.  Thinking it was a fluke, he tried again.  Just then, his girlfriend called to him from the other side of the room, and explained how she was locked in.  That the automated lock wouldn’t let the door open, even from the inside.

Stay tuned, and I’ll tell you what happened in tomorrow’s blog….

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