Sunday, September 11, 2011

On their own, perceptions are interesting beasts.  How others perceive us…..  What we do…..  How we come across…..  What people believe to be our true selves.

There are times when perceptions baffle the holy heck out of me.  How things we do or say can be misconstrued to the point of having absolutely no bearing to our original intent.  How when we’re made aware there’s been a miscommunication and try to set things straight, the waters become muddier.

Though I write for a living and have always had a passion for words, it’s at times like these that I feel completely inadequate.  It becomes apparent that no matter what I say only serves to make things worse.  So I find myself retreating inward.  To the other person, it looks as if I’m hanging on their every word.  I am…to an extent.  The difference is that once I turn inward, I no longer feel the urge to try to make myself understood, for each time I try, I’m either shot down or told that’s not the way things are.  So I remain silent—outwardly.  Inwardly, I attempt to plead my case.  Be understood.  Make clear my original intention.   
Some might accuse me of being disconnected during these times.  Actually, I’m very much present, but realize that to voice my opinion or my perception of things, at the time, only complicates matters further.  Of course, I don’t stop verbally communicating right from the onset of a problem, only after several miserable failed attempts to smooth things over. 

Suspecting the other person needs to get off their chest whatever they perceive to be the problem drives part of my remaining silent.  My remaining silent and taking their words without interrupting allows them to diffuse the situation—somewhat.  At the very least, they end up feeling better.  At the best, I gain better insight as to how they arrived at their perception.

To be sure, perceptions sometimes require additional effort to sort through.  This doesn’t mean we should shy away from them or try to force our understanding of things.  Least, I don’t think that’s the best way to go about things.   But then, who knows…I could have a different perception of how things should play out than what’s reality.

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