Tuesday, November 9, 2011

"A mistake is simply another way of doing things."
—Katharine Graham

I adore this saying, for it epitomizes how I feel about things.  Many are reluctant to attempt new things, concerned they’ll make a mistake.  I admit, to a certain extent, I’m amongst those.  Being a perfectionist has its drawbacks, this being one of them. 

Recognizing my shortcomings and making strides to overcome them is paramount to me.  As such, I push myself to step outside my comfort zone and try new things before I think I can execute them with the precision I’d like.  Gotta admit this oft makes me squirm—to think I’ll mess up.  But then I remember my commitment and stick to my plan.

There are times when things hum right along, my managing to pull off whatever it was I was attempting.  Other times, I fumble, not in a big or noticeable way, so I’m able to maintain the air that I meant to do that.  But…then there are times…the ones that make my skin crawl, where I flop so big in my attempt, that I have one of two choices.  I can either fall to pieces or learn from my mistake, laughing in the process.  Once the initial embarrassment of my flop wears off, I opt for the latter, realizing that by doing so, I’m opening myself to a better state of understanding and learning so that next time, things can run more smoothly.

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