Sunday, November 27, 2011

I apologize for the lack of my blog for the past two days.  On Friday, I spent the day and evening with out of state friends, intending to write and post my blog upon my return.   But fate had other plans.  I ended up with food poisoning from our dinner and spent the remainder of Friday and all of Saturday in bed.  Not a fun way to spend the holiday weekend.

Since I’d had a great idea for a blog and didn’t get to post it due to being ill, I’ll write about it now.  The concept came from a slip of paper I found in another fortune cookie.  I know.  I know.  I seem to get a lot of inspiration from those silly slips of paper.  But hey, if it inspires me, then I feel compelled to share.

The paper said: look for happiness and you will find it.  Seems like a simple enough concept.  It is.  But there are many who never catch it’s full meaning, therefore, missing out on many possibilities. 

For one to discover happiness, they must be open to it infusing their lives.  They can’t walk around with a doom cloud hovering over their heads, focusing on life’s negatives and hope to have happiness break through that impenetrable barrier.  Just won’t happen.  There has to be a willingness and openness to accept happiness for it to become a part of one’s life. 

This is where many miss out on opportunities.  They are simply too preoccupied with life’s little hiccups and more major setbacks to openly receive happiness.  Not that those same individuals don’t want happiness or that they wouldn’t be thrilled to experience it.  Many are.  But they’re too closed off. 

I agree with my fortune that happiness is dependant upon a person actively engaging in the process of seeking it.  To be open to finding it.  To want to accept happiness and positive energy into their lives to counteract the effects of the rest of life’s challenges.  To offset them.  Mitigate their affect on us.  Happiness helps put things into perspective, making one aware that life is not all doom and gloom.  That if we openly desire to seek happiness, then it will grace our lives.

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