Friday, November 18, 2011

I find it’s a plus to have a sounding board. To have someone whom I can run things by or who won’t hesitate to share with me that perhaps I need to temper my reactions. 

Not sure about others, but I tend to be an emotional person who wears her emotions on her sleeves.  Additionally, I’m quick to react to some things in a counterproductive manner.  
There are times when something someone does, says or fails to do will put me off.  My knee-jerk reaction is emotional.  This is where having a good sounding board comes in handy.

My friends are amazing at giving me gentle reminders that perhaps I should count to ten—at least—and try not to react emotionally to these situations.  That to do so only further complicates them.  That perhaps there’s a logical explanation for why the other person did, said or didn’t do whatever happened. 

I appreciate these gentle reminders, for they provide me an opportunity to put things into perspective.  To stifle my initial, emotional, knee-jerk reaction and respond in a manner that’s more productive, not to mention less offensive.

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