Friday, November 11, 2011

Being an animal lover, I go out of my way to make things better for those animals I can.   A number of years back, I was approached by a woman friend of mine to help extricate an animal in need from a portion of her property where illegals had taken up residency and were abusing a poor puppy.  Plans were made, and the day to remove the puppy finally came. 

My oldest daughter and I went in to get the pup.  All went well enough.  When we got it home, we gave it a bath due to the filthy conditions it had been subjected to.  By the time we were done fluffing the puppy with towels, both my daughter and I were a mess.  Our eyes were watering and swollen, we were coughing and our noses had gotten all stuffed up.  Realizing we were allergic to the dog, our hopes of being able to keep him became a thing of the past.
The next day, I was inspired to take the puppy to my kids’ elementary school and introduce him to the staff members.  One of them, a past teacher of my daughters, fell in love with and adopted him. 

A short time later, it was discovered that the dog had severe epileptic seizures due to the amount of times it had been kicked in the head by its abusers.  But the teacher and his wife, already in love with the dog, did everything they could to give the guy a good life. 

Over the years, I’ve kept up with them to learn the progress of the puppy, and have always been pleased to hear how well he’s doing.  Today, walking into one of our local Starbucks, I happened upon the now grown puppy, the teacher and his wife.  I was thrilled to see how much the puppy had thrived under the love and attention of his new home.  How being given the proper care and medication needed, he’s been able to live a relatively normal life.  Though he’ll always bear the scars of his past abuse in the form of seizures, the dog now has a fulfilling life where he’s surrounded by those who would do anything to ensure his quality of life.
I love happy endings.  And when I’ve had a hand in helping to bring those about…all the better!

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