Tuesday, November 29, 2011

I’ve blogged before about how, while growing up, my father instilled in me an appreciation of seeking out wonderful finds in antique and second-hand stores.  He also instilled a deep sense of making one’s money go as far as possible.  My translation: I work darn hard for my money, therefore, I should work equally hard at spending it in the wisest way possible. 

For some, their pulse quickens when they enter a chain store and see the latest and greatest on display.  Those have never held any allure for me.  Instead, I seem to have a built-in homing device that directs me straight to the clearance racks in those stores.  Better yet, my intuitiveness sends me to outlets and little hole-in-the-wall locales where one might have to spend more time searching, but the treasures that can be gained are well worth the search.  Not only that, but the bargains that can be had top all else. 

Yes, I admit that I’m a through-and-through bargain shopper. Have been my entire life.  Another trait I inherited from my father.  One I’m most appreciative of.  To me, it simply makes no sense to buy some run-of-the-mill item that everyone else is able to find.  Guess I’m too much of an individual for such.  Also, that it’s marked at top dollar holds little appeal for me.  After all, why pay more when doing so is unnecessary?

My joy comes in discovering unique items that have their own flair, which I can translate into my own or give as special gifts.  There’s nothing more gratifying than seeing the look on the receiver’s face when they open something I’ve given them and wonder where in the heck I ever found something so charming and unique.

I’m aware that some might be wrinkling their noses in distaste for this manner of shopping.  And that’s fine.  To each their own….  But for me, I’ll keep combing through the less traveled locales to fine buried treasures that I’ll end up paying far less for.  

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