Monday, November 21, 2011

And thus the countdown begins….

Whether or not a person celebrates Thanksgiving or the following holidays, one thing’s for sure.  Businesses go out of their way to attempt to draw us into an almost feeding frenzy of shopping.

While at the hardware store earlier this evening, I overheard the customer in front of me ask the cashier if they were going to have a Black Friday sale.  The clerk responded that she didn’t know.  The customer then asked that if they were, would the store be opening at midnight. 
Midnight?  Seriously, what could one possibly need from the hardware store that would warrant them heading there at midnight to begin their shopping spree? 

That customer left. The clerk and I engaged in pleasant conversation, continuing where the other discussion had left off.  We both agreed that it would be silly for the store to open at midnight.  Then the clerk mentioned how she felt sorry for the clerks who work retail at the locales that do open at midnight for Black Friday.

She shared how long ago she’d been one of those.  She claimed it was a nightmare and vowed to never do so again.  She told of rude customers, of getting no sleep, of having to be there extra early as an employee to help ready the store for opening, of mobs of impatient people crowding this way and that unwilling to exact a little self-control.


I’d never thought of it from her perspective.  I did share how I’d only ventured out on one Black Friday to take advantage of the sales.  That was over a decade ago.  The experience left me with such a sour taste in my mouth that I never felt inclined to brave those same rude individuals the clerk had mentioned again.  Since then, I never have, opting to remain home on that day.

Listening to the clerk’s bad experience and well aware of my own, where folks pushed, shoved and were incredibly rude—all in the name of saving a few bucks—got me to thinking.  Perhaps there’s something I could do the help smooth things over this year.  Not in any huge way…but every little bit might help.

So here’s what I came up with.  Though I plan to remain safely tucked inside my house away from all the Black Friday shopping madness, I’m aware there are those who will engage.  And that’s fine.  But I do have a request.  If you’re one of those brave souls, please, please, please think of the way you conduct yourself.  Do your best to exact patience and handle yourself in a manner that spotlights dignity and grace rather than willful neediness.  Think of the employees who have gone the extra mile to help make possible your shopping spree.  Of the sacrifices they’ve made.  Perhaps you can even smile at one or call them by name instead of treating them with indifference. 

As I said, some may not celebrate the upcoming holiday season, but that’s no reason to conduct one’s self in a less-than-tolerable manner.

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