Friday, December 9, 2011

I was talking with a girlfriend earlier about how, though neither of us is prone to burst into random tears, watching certain movies at specific times in our lives will cause us to dissolve into blubbering puddles of tears and free-flowing snot.  Not a pretty picture, but it’s the way it is.

My friend shared how when she used to watch happy movies that centered on successful relationships with happy endings, she’d end up in tears every time.  Why?  Because, with her not ever having been married, she wondered if that special someone was out there for her.  And if so, would they ever manage to connect. 

This girlfriend and I have been friends for over twenty years, so I’ve gotten to watch the coming and goings of the majority of her love interests.  Each time one would end, I’d offer support and tell my friend to keep the faith.  That she shouldn’t settle just because she was getting “older”.   That her special someone was out there and she’d find him if she kept looking.  A couple of years back, she did and has been happily married ever since.

Then, I shared how, when I recently watched the new Twilight movie with some friends, I lasted about three minutes before bursting into uncontrolled sobs that lasted the remainder of the movie…and beyond.  Why?  Because a good portion of the movie focused on marriage, relationships and having a child.  Each struck deep veins of emotions within me that bubbled over and needed to be expressed.

Thankfully, I was with amazing friends who understood and comforted me as I let my emotions out.  It’s incredible when we surround ourselves with individuals who accept, honor and cherish us—messy parts and all.  When we feel free enough to be honest, open and transparent about our emotions rather than feeling as if we need to hide away our humanness.
I suppose that’s the main crux—we’re human.  As such, we’re a combination of complexities that swirl around inside us.  Sometimes those translate into joyful expressions.  Other times, as happened with my girlfriend and me at the movies, deep-rooted emotions gush out, having been triggered by random things. 

Though I’m not fond of dissolving into a puddle of tears, I cherish the moments when I do, for they remind me that I’m human.  That it’s okay for me to not only have but also express my emotions.  For my girlfriend and me, watching movies tends to cause those emotions to bubble to the surface.  Not a bad thing….

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