Monday, December 26, 2011

Yesterday, I did a street run up in our neighborhood that ended just as it was getting dark.  Felt great to get out and run, the cool air, refreshing, each stride I took, invigorating. 

Just as I was rounding a corner on a windy mountain road about three quarters of a mile from our house, I noticed two young boys exiting one of the houses.  They looked to be about six and eight.  No parents were with them as they headed towards the street.  One was clutching a new Christmas toy.  No doubt it was his most treasured. 

As the boys and I got closer to one another, curiosity got the better of me and I took a closer look at the gift he had clutched in his arms.  It was an authentic boomerang.


I looked towards the house and still saw no adults.


The boys, sporting devilish grins on their faces, headed into the street, carefully navigating between the parked cars.  My eyes scanned each car, noting how none had any noticeable dings or dents.

That might change as soon as the boys start throwing the boomerang….

I continued on my run, passing the boys and leaving them to their fun.  A few moments later, I heard the distinct sound of the boomerang ping off the exterior of one of the parked cars, the boys giggling in the background. 

Visions of years past when my oldest son was given an authentic boomerang from his visiting Australian friends flashed through my mind.  A smile played at my lips when I recalled how randomly that boomerang had flown.  This way and that, with little control, it crashed into any and everything that was nearby.  And, just as I was hearing the little boys do from behind me, I remembered the squeals of delight my own son had uttered as he threw and watched his boomerang sail through the air over and over again.

I enjoy thinking back over events of the past, especially the ones involving my children and joy they expressed.  It’s too bad that no adults came out to watch those two young boys launch their boomerang on its maiden voyage.  For if they had, then they, too would have been able to look back on the happy moment in years to come.

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