Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Argh!   Technologically gifted I am not!  I get super frustrated when I try to figure out a lot of technology.  Some I can sort out.  Some is like me trying to dissect a foreign language with no basic skills to help me through. 

I understand and appreciate how useful technology can be.  How it can speed us through otherwise menial tasks, making them seem not so overwhelming or tedious.  But, when trying to access that technology, the one that will make things easier, there are times I wish we were back in the dark ages for how frustrated I get.

Not sure if others experience the same.  Or if my brain’s just wired in such a way as to make understanding technology super complicated.  My immediate family members are gifted when it comes to understanding technology.  As such, it would stand to reason that I’d approach them for help when needed.  But I don’t.  Long ago, I learned to avoid such, as they’re not patient enough to provide me with the help I need.  Instead, I end up feeling even more lost and inferior than I did prior to seeking their help.  So, I try to muddle through technology on my own.  This isn’t all bad, as it’s allowed me to more firmly grasp the technology that I do manage to untangle.  Just wish I didn’t have to muddle through so much on the way to that understanding. 

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