Saturday, December 24, 2011

This has always seemed a magical time of year to me…somewhat transformational.  Not because it’s the holiday season, though that does add to it.  But for me, I like how things seem…fresh.  With the winding down of one year, the holiday season upon us, the crisp cool air of winter beginning to chill us and the promise of things yet to come, how could one not be excited about this time of year?

During this time, I do deeper self-reflection.  As a plethora of chaotic holiday hustle and bustle surrounds me, its over-commercialized sense nearly overwhelming, I find myself seeking simpler things to occupy my thoughts.  Not that I don’t appreciate all the holiday fanfare.  I do.  But it can become daunting, sucking individuals into its swirling vortex.  This can cause people to lose sight of more basic priorities in life—treating others with respect, caring about them and nurturing their needs.

That’s where, I believe, the magical part of this time of year kicks into high gear…if one allows for such.  By taking a step back from the added traffic, stresses, increased pressure to buy and give more, etc, a person can focus more on simpler things, like being genuinely nice to one another.  Doing so costs us nothing and yet the joy it spreads is not only tenfold but can be transformational. 

Shifting one’s focus from him or her self allows for the possibility to make someone else happy.  See where one’s talents can best be applied.  How doing the simplest thing can bring a smile to those in need.

Close your eyes and envision doing something nice for another person.  How that small act might put a smile on their face.  Now think of the way that recipient’s face changes and warms with a smile….  What could be more magical…transformational—for the giver and receiver?

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