Thursday, December 1, 2011

We’re not in Kansas anymore is what I’m titling my drive home last night.  It began simply enough…for the first few miles…but then things quickly got out of hand.  Mother Nature decided to kick up a blustery windstorm that reeked major havoc. 

Clinging to my steering wheel with both hands as my car was pushed this way and that by sudden gusts of wind, I dodged whatever debris I could manage, though a lot of it ended up colliding with me as it whirl winded all around and came flying out nowhere. 

Freeway signs where ripped free of their posts and looked like accordianed pieces of paper that slid and flew their way across the freeway.  Giant tree branches also danced their way across the road or lay in wait for unsuspecting motorists to collide with them.  There were also any and all assortments of larger household items: trashcans, mop buckets and moving boxes amongst them.   I even drove over an interior house door that I couldn’t see until it was too late.  Where the heck it came from…I haven’t a clue.

Then there were the tree issues.  Now, I’m accustomed to major tree limbs being sheered off in severe wind advisories and have even seen the aftermath of entire trees uprooted as I’ve driven along roadways.  At times I’ve wondered what it would be like to witness an actual grand tree topple over and hoped that if I did, nothing would be under it. 

Last night, I got to see what it looks like when a giant pine tree crashes to the ground.  This one was massive!  So much so, that although it was beside the freeway, its height ended up blocking the entire freeway.  And then…there was the unfortunate pick-up truck that had the misfortune of being under it when the tree fell.  Thankfully, the driver ended up being okay.  Not quite sure how, seeing as his vehicle was demolished!

I later heard that right near the freeway exchange where that tree fell, there were five more fallen trees that closed down another freeway!  I’ve lived in southern California my entire life.  Have endured some nasty windstorms.  But never have I seen or driven through anything like what I experienced last night. 

At one point, I thought about pulling to the side of the road.  But then I decided that to do so made me more of a sitting duck for flying objects to collide with my car.  I decided to keep going at a drastically reduced speed, figuring that while moving, I could try to dodge debris that flew into my path.

And let’s not forget the spectacular light show I got to watch as transformer after transformer exploded into brilliant flashes of blinding blue light.  In a three-city area, I counted no less than fifteen of those shows in between dodging things hurling towards my car and trying my darnedest not to be pushed into other vehicles. 

This morning, everything’s a mess.  Downed trees and power outages are the norm.  Damage to personal property runs high, and our son’s school even called every student to inform him or her that school was still on for today.  Several nearby cities have been declared states of emergency.

Like I said, we’re not in Kansas anymore…or…wait…perhaps we are and Oz is right around the next corner….

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