Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Each of us has obstacles we must endure in life.  Some refer to them as nuisances.  Others call them drama, sorrows, hardships.  No matter what label is assigned, none of us get out of this thing we call life without having to navigate through some pretty dicey waters at one time or another.  Overcoming these events is what makes us stronger.

The one thing that can drag us down faster than anything is when we handle ourselves inappropriately due to stresses we may be experiencing.  To lash out at others because we’re frustrated or unhappy is understandable, on one level, but unacceptable, for doing so only expands our drama to the radars of others who don’t deserve to have our garbage dumped on them. 

This doesn’t mean we can’t reach out to others when we’re hurting.  We should.  But we need to do so by appropriate means.  Simple words work best.  Telling a person that you’re hurting and need some help goes a long ways towards making those around you receptive to your pain.  Doing so shows your humanness.  Some believe this makes them viewed as weak.  I believe the opposite, for it takes great strength to be able to not only reveal but also articulate—in a mature fashion—when one is hurting and in need of assistance.

When we allow our emotions to run amok, causing us to lash out at others, the only thing we accomplish is to put others on alert to stay away from us.  If they do dare to come near, they’re likely to be on the defensive, which significantly limits their ability to objectively help.  No good comes of this scenario—only negativity that spreads like a malignant cancer, cannibalizing everything in its path and stunting our ability to grow and persevere when faced with hardships.

Since none of us will manage to navigate life’s waters without getting our feet wet in sorrows, doesn’t it stand to reason that we should make the best of trying times rather than adding to them by behaving poorly?

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