Monday, December 19, 2011

When does trying to get a hold of someone become incessant bothering that crosses the line?  When you call, send a text or email someone and don’t get a hold of them immediately, doesn’t’ it stand to reason that person may be busy with other things and will make contact as soon as they’re able?  Is it your place to call, text or email, not get a hold of the person and then try to contact them a few minutes later and then every hour or so thereafter?  Or does that become rude hounding whose only purpose irritates the one you’re trying to get a hold of?
I understand that we live in a fast-paced society.  There are timely matters, which require as immediate a response as possible.  But…people need to respect the time commitments of others.  In my opinion, doing so means that one should wait a reasonable period of time to hear back from those they reach out to.  They shouldn’t hound those people night and day, hoping for a more immediate response.

Bottom line, if you need to get a hold of someone, respect him or her enough to wait for them to get back to you when they can.  Don’t exact lack of self-control by pestering them, hoping that will make them respond faster.  It may, but will likely also put them in an irritated and defensive mindset that will prove counter-productive to whatever you were hoping to accomplish with them. 

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