Wednesday, December 28, 2011

People are so interesting….

I’ve always been fascinated by people.  Watching them, learning from them, scrutinizing their tiniest idiosyncrasies, these are what gain me pleasure.  People-watching is never dull, as the individuals I study are each unique, driven by the tune of their own drummer that only they can hear.

Sometimes I tune out all the ambient noise, conversations, etc, listening only to the body language of individuals in order to gain the best insight into them.  Other times, my focus is intent more on what the individual says rather than what they do.  Still other times, I allow all that a person does, says and exemplifies to touch me in the hopes of better understanding them.

Though each of us is distinct, a common thread of humanness runs between us, allowing, if we let it, for us to learn more about ourselves through watching how others conduct themselves.

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