Friday, March 2, 2012

I want to again thank everyone who has been praying, sending good thoughts and thinking positive healing messages for my girlfriend who was in a terrible accident and fighting for her life since Tuesday of this week.

Unfortunately, not all stories have happy endings—at least at first view.  So too is the case with my girlfriend.  Late last night her husband made the heartbreaking decision to remove her from life support.  Understandably, this has crushed him, his heart wrenching communications tearing at our very souls.  As such, I’m asking that folks continue to keep him in their thought/prayers.  Though his wife is now gone, his ordeal is far from over.  He’ll need inordinate intestinal fortitude to navigate the twists and turns his life journey will now take.

Though this circumstance seems to be ending on a negative note, I’ve no doubt that somewhere down the line things will even out with my girlfriend’s widow and her children progressing towards a brilliant future.

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