Saturday, March 10, 2012

“Simplicity and ease of information come at the cost of depth and diversity of experience, communication and insight.”  This is a quote I recently came across while reading.  I like how it follows the thought that with age comes experience, reason and enlightenment. 

None of us navigates life’s waters without getting tossed around in the surf from time to time.  It’s through that very act of not knowing which way’s up…or down…and struggling to find the water’s surface that we become enlightened.  Whether our first gulp is of air or water, when we’re dragged down into the churn of life’s swirling waters and finally break free of the surface, it’s through maintaining faith that all will turn out okay that we muster the courage to take that breath, hoping it will be of cleansing air instead of water. 

Sometimes, we get lucky and are rewarded with the air our lungs so desperately need.  Other times, our throat and lungs burn as water instead slides down them, causing us to kvetch the process.  But whatever the outcome, we learn through undertaking that breath.  Of living that experience.  Fighting to overcome our situations.  It’s through that discovery process that life’s information begins to seep in at a deeper level, enlightening us. 

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