Sunday, March 18, 2012

Who amongst us hasn’t “talked” or given voice to what our animals are undoubtedly thinking?  Allow me to elaborate.  Your dog does something really cute, gets a goofy look on his face and you mouth the thoughts you’re sure accompany that goofy look. 

Earlier today, I flipped through the television stations and stopped on a show that had me cracking up in no time.  At first, I couldn’t figure out who was doing the talking.  The show was about a group of African elephants in their element, doing what elephants do best.  The interesting part was that there was commentary that I first thought was coming from the ones taking the video.  But soon, it became apparent that the entire movie was about this actual group of elephants, doing what elephants do best, only these particular elephants were able to “talk.” 

The talking played out just how when we’re entertained by one of our pets and voice their thoughts.  So too were how the elephants thoughts were expressed, complete with a baby elephant challenging a grown female to, “Go ahead and leave me behind.  You wouldn’t dare,” while he flopped on his side in a defiant temper tantrum. 

Couldn’t begin to tell you what the name of the movie was.  But my friend and I ended up glued to the television for the remainder of the show, laughing constantly.  When the show itself wasn’t funny, we found ourselves wondering what the heck it would’ve been like to pith the idea of the show to the producers.  Would’ve been great to be a fly on that wall.  I mean really, we’ve all heard about seeing pink dancing elephants when one is drunk, but how does one go about pitching the idea of actual elephants living on the desolate African plains, throwing temper tantrums while overcoming social anxieties, jealousy and inadequacies?
All in all, it was an entertaining show—talking elephants and all….   

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