Thursday, March 29, 2012

“We all blow up eventually if we keep ignoring things.”  This is what I shared with a friend earlier today. Think of the human emotions like a giant pressure cooker. Unless you routinely let off steam by directly addressing those things you'd rather not, the unpleasantness won't go away, but will magnify to the point that you can't ignore it or worse, it’ll become distorted, causing your fuse to blow. 

It’s ironic how often folks exert such effort to avoid dealing with those things that make them uncomfortable.  They do this over and over, thinking they’ve got a handle on things.  They don’t.  This becomes painfully apparent when they end up losing their cool and blowing up at some unsuspecting and undeserving individual. 

So why does the person blow up?  Because they’re not in control of their emotions.  If they were, they would’ve taken the time to do the hard work to address issues as they arose thus bleeding off some of the built-up tension.  The trick then, is to dig in, do the dirty work, and meet issues head on instead of attempting to ignore them.

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