Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Just for giggles and kicks, I decided to Google blog ideas—what others blog about—the other day.  Though I realize that the lists needed to remain somewhat vague so as to accommodate the masses, the suggested subjects others blog about were like a depressing shopping list of “to do” items.  Nowhere did I see folks blogging about philosophical items, or how they feel or about in depth ways to better one’s self—all the things I like to blog about.  Well, I suppose that’s a good thing, for it makes me unique.  Not that I’m not already unique enough.  LOL.  But the topics I blog about definitely set me apart from the norm.

I like blogging about whatever’s on my mind, so long as I keep the topics positive based.  Cause really, there’s already enough negative stuff in life.  No need to blog about it.  Least not here.  I do my best to dedicate this blog to uplifting topics that make folks think, smile and perhaps even ponder their lives. 

So, although it was interesting to Google blog topics that others write about, I think I’ll keep to the structure I’ve established here.  Seems to work, granting us a little breath of fresh air in our hectic lives.  : -)   

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