Tuesday, March 20, 2012

My weekend was filled with wind, wind and more wind.  Windows rattles, palm fronds came crashing down, leaves were blown asunder and trash scattered this way and that.  By the end, forty-eight hours had elapsed with us southern Californians being chilled to the bone.  Yes, I know, we don’t get it nearly as bad as elsewhere, but to us thin-blooded wimps, start a cold wind blowing and we tend to hunker down and wait out the “bad” weather.

As such, when the wind finally stopped, I had the occasion to be in the beach area, or rather, I was navigating the freeway with a friend who commented on the quickly setting sun and how the sunset promised to be spectacular.  We exited the next off ramp and headed to the beach just two blocks down.  Others had the same idea and so we all caravanned into the adjacent parking lot, rapidly exited our vehicles and hastened to the sand to watch awestruck at the show Mother Nature provided. 

We only caught the very tail end of the sunset, so there was no time to both appreciate and snap photos of the event.  The blazon globe of sun as it dipped below the horizon literally awakened the periwinkle blue sky with shades of pinks, peaches and lavenders that silhouetted the few scattered wisps of clouds that the wind hadn’t managed to obliterate. 
Was fun to stand as a collective group—none of us knowing one another, yet all of us bound by a common thread, to slow life down enough and be drawn into Mother Nature’s show.   

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