Friday, October 29, 2010

There are those who stand firm in their conviction that in order for folks to have all sorts of “stuff” happening in their lives, swirling round them and kicking up a cloud of weirdness, then that person must have done something to bring it upon themselves. In some cases, I’d have to agree that this is, indeed, the case. Folks who like drama and chaos do have a tendency to go seeking it whether consciously or by chance. But then there are times when strange things just…happen. No rhyme or reason behind them, they just befall a person.

Me, I believe I’m in the latter category. I’m not a fan of chaos or drama, avoiding both like they’re the plague. But I do have odd occurrences happen to my all the time. Is there some way I’m bringing them about? Don’t think so. I mean really, how does one got about setting themselves up for a crushed main water pipe that springs a leak beneath their foundation? Or how does one bring about finding a good-sized black scorpion in their bathroom, two days after surgery…in the middle of the night…when they can barely move? Or how does one orchestrate getting attacked by some unknown insect so severely that they end up having to have their surgery postponed for a week while placed on heavy antibiotics?

Yes, there are times when the crud hits the fan because of something a person has done to bring that on. But there are and equal if not higher incident of times when, frankly, stuff just…happens. And the best way to deal with these incidents is to recognize them for what they are—freak acts of nature.

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