Saturday, October 30, 2010

Having my daughter come home for a visit is awesome! She was stunned at how much Makaila, her niece, had grown in the month since she’d seen her last. And how does Kai feel about having her auntie here? It’s like they’ve never been apart, a strong bond having been forged between the two.

Then there’s the whole part about my girls being reunited. I swear, you’d think they were twins or something with how close they are. Every second they’re awake, they’re with one another, laughing, sharing with one another and ogling over Makaila.

My youngest son and I were running errands when my daughter arrived. And when we returned, the girls, no surprise, had taken Makaila out for a walk. My son and I waited and waited for what seemed like forever. And when the girls got back, it was cool to hear my youngest son, now a freshman in high school, literally squeal out his delight when he got to see his sister who had just come to visit.

Homecomings are always fun, and now, with Kai added into the equation, they’re even better. I get a real kick out of seeing everyone reconnect with one another while they marvel over all the developmental strides Makaila has made.

It’s hard to believe that my daughter will be heading out in just two days to return to her college. And with her, will be her sister and niece. I imagine the house is going to seem extra empty. But I’m not sad, for I know it will be overflowing with boisterousness by the end of next week when my daughter and granddaughter will return.

In the meantime, I’m going to enjoy what time I have with both my girls here. They’ve been helping my husband make homemade banana cupcakes with homemade banana spice frosting this afternoon. Later, we’ll all partake of some. Mmmm…can’t wait! We Hanna girls are especially fond of cake with butter cream frosting—this particular cake being one of our favorites.

Tomorrow, we’ll go trick-or-treating to celebrate baby Kai’s first Halloween. That’s going to be a blast, since we all love Halloween. After that, we’ll eke out as many memory-making moments as possible before my girls and granddaughter will head out on Monday. And undoubtedly, there will be plenty of great memories made before then that will keep us smiling until when we’re all together next.

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