Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Haven’t written about my writing for a bit, so I thought I fill you in on what’s going on with my latest manuscript—the third and final book in the Little Girl Lost Trilogy.

First off, it does finally have a title, It All Comes Down to This. In addition, I’ve designed the front cover, which is going to be really cool. Hope readers like it. As usual, I won’t post an image of it until closer to the book’s release date.

Now for the really big news. I only have five more chapters to write before I begin the final editing process. Through having written and published other books, I have learned that it helps to edit as I go. That way, when I go to do the final edit, things have already been scrutinized and made terse several times over, making the final edit a more fluid process.

For me, that process involves reading my manuscript in a single sitting. Why do I do this? Because that way I get to view the written pages as readers would, one after another, which makes catching inconsistencies and awkward passages stand out.

Right now, I’m so itchy to begin that final edit process, but know that I have to finish writing these last five chapters, first. And these, the final five, have got me so excited I can hardly stand it. It’s been a long time coming to be able to wrap everything up in a manner that I thought did justice to the trilogy.

Way back, when I conceptualized this particular book, how it would turn out and all the intricate details that needed to fall into place to have that happen, I had a research meeting with a dear friend. I consulted with this specialist to see if either of my two ideas was plausible. About half way through our meeting, it was discovered that the first concept had a blatant hole in its main premise. So I went over my second thought with the specialist who fell in love with the idea.

Since then, I’ve been dying to write the final chapters, the very last—an epilogue—in particular. But this book has presented itself to me, needing to be written in sequential order. And so, just as I imagine you have been anxious to have the book done, I have been climbing the walls trying to bide my time until this point in the book, where it all comes together.

Well, I suppose that’s enough for now. Should the desire to share more strike, or should folks present questions that I can answer without giving away the plot, I’ll be happy to respond.

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