Saturday, October 2, 2010

Socializing is good. This is what a girlfriend said to me the other night when I was talking about how I get so busy that there are times when I can’t sit and chat with folks—something I love doing, but seems to be an endangered species. This came up when we were doing just that—sitting around and chatting, having a meaningful in depth conversation about the most random things, but those that make us who we are.

There was a group of us together that night. Conversations flowed with ease, and soon I found myself in a lull, having ended one and captivated with two others taking place right across from me. A mutual friend looked over and asked if I was all right. Hearing his comment, I realized that I must have appeared to be staring off into space as I attempted to digest both conversations without missing anything.

I turned to my friend and told him that I was enjoying listening to what our other friends were saying. That it was good to just sit—do nothing. That there are times—too many—when I get caught up in the swirling hectic pace of things and forget how nice it is to just be without doing. That’s when one of my girlfriends made the comment that socializing is good. I thought about her comment for a moment before nodding my head. I let out a big sigh, one born of sheer contentment, and had to agree—socializing is good.

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