Sunday, October 17, 2010

Being an independent person, it’s a tough pill to swallow when I have to hand over my care to others. Part because I don’t want to be a burden or freak folks out, and partly because I don’t want to shatter the illusion that I’m superwoman. Going in for my surgery, I realized and was “gently” urged by many well-wishing friends to willingly give up that control so I could focus on relaxing and healing.

Much to everyone’s astonishment, I’ve done just that. And you know? I’ve even surprised myself with how well I’ve adapted to letting others take over for me. Has it been easy? Heck, no! Would I have been able to do this on my own? Absolutely not!

Since my surgery, I’ve had countless friends reach out to me. Some have reiterated their “gentle” reminders to let others help me. Others have encouraged me to hang in there. Take this time to heal instead of rushing through it, which would cause complications. But the one recurring thought expressed by all is that they’re relieved that I’m okay and headed on the road to recovery.

It’s those correspondences from well-wishing friends that makes my day. When I hear that they love me enough to “kick my rear and send me home” should they discover that I’m pushing myself too hard and fast, my heart soars. Some might get offended. Not me. Instead, I take what my friends have said as a show of their devotion.

And at the end of the day, that’s what’s it’s all about—knowing that there are those who think highly enough of you to watch out for you...just in case you might be tempted to side-step what should be that priority yourself.

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