Monday, October 11, 2010

Am oh, so grateful that my husband returned home to help—check.

Went in for surgery—check.

Plumber came to survey our leak in the foundation—check.

Came through the surgery with flying colors—check.

Skirted a medical condition my doctor thought was present—check.

The procedure was able to be less than more—check.

Had the entire surgical team in awe and telling me I was doing “awesome,” following my surgery—check. Haven’t ever experienced that before, and it felt good—real good.

Have had a relaxing day as I begin my recovery—check.

Plumber detected the source of our problem—check.

Plumber fixed problem—no, will return tomorrow with a “locater” to determine exactly where the leak originates.

Leak fixed—no, will be resolved on Thursday.

I’d say that today’s been a great day!!! : -)))

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