Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Many showed their support of tolerance today when they wore purple. What were they supporting? Gay teens who felt so unaccepted that the only option they saw…was suicide. Wearing purple today also offered support for those still alive and facing intolerance.

How do I know this? Because I was amongst those who proudly wore purple. Why? Because I have always and will continue to stand for the rights of individuals to openly express who they are at their core without fear of discrimination or retribution by church, state or society!

I find it sad that in this day and age, with how far we’ve progressed as a people, that there are still those threatened by individuals who are different than they are. The ones who don’t walk in harmony with society’s norms. Many maintain the opinion that “the different ones” have a choice. That they choose to be different. Really? Come on now.

It makes no sense for an individual to opt for the never-ending path of intolerance, bigotry and hatred lined by those who would oppose their openly expressing who they are at their core. It’s not easy to make a stand against the majority. Or at least the most vocal of the population.

So why did we wear purple today? To join our voices together as one mighty force to help spread awareness for folks to stop pointing the finger, passing judgment and acting out of fear. Instead, we who wore purple would like to see a world comprised of individuals who accept, embrace and empathize.

Why do I offer my support? Because I believe that we can create better times. A more accepting world. The education of others. And if all that begins with us wearing purple as a show of our solidarity, then so be it!

Tolerance...why not give it a try?

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