Thursday, October 28, 2010

If you’ve been following my blogs for the past three weeks or so, then you know how strange things happen to me on a regular basis. Well, in fact, I suppose they always happen to me. I used to think that they came in waves, but I’ve reconsidered and come to the conclusion that my life is a never-ending rolling sea of odd occurrences.

Do I get upset? No. Instead, I find myself laughing—a lot. The way I look at it is I can either let the stream of odd things get me down, or laugh them off, maintaining a positive attitude in the process. I choose the latter. And, of course, fate puts that mentality to the test on a regular basis.

Case in point, in a three and a half week period, I was attacked by some unknown insect and had an adverse reaction that required my scheduled surgery to be postponed while I was placed on antibiotics for a week.

Still smiling.

Finishing that week and thinking things would calm down for me to go into surgery the next day, a main water pipe under our kitchen foundation sprung a leak. And this while my husband was out of state. That little fiasco rendered us without water for four days. During that time, I had my surgery and came home to recover to no water and a crew of plumbers armed with jackhammers.

Still laughing.

My kitchen is still torn asunder. The very kitchen that we just gutted and remodeled three years ago after saving for seven years to be able to do so. When will the reconstruction be complete? Who knows! When the crew filled the foot diameter holes they jack hammered in the foundation last week, it rained nearly every day, making it so the concrete wouldn’t completely dry. Until that happens, the flooring can’t be replaced.

Smiling at the irony.

And the prized wood cabinets and molding in said newly remodeled kitchen? Yup, you guessed it. They’re warped with the finish pealing off from the water that flooded our kitchen.

Still maintaining a sense of humor.

Then came the night I discovered a two-inch long ugly black scorpion in my bathroom, two days after my surgery…in the middle of the night…when I could barely move...and after never having laid eyes on one before during the ten years we’ve lived here. That was interesting.

Couldn’t help but laugh at how odd that was…even for me.

Then my husband left for Columbia. Once there, we got to experience the joys of non-existent Internet access, which made it impossible or him, my Webmaster, to post my blogs or communicate with me. Oh, and did I mention that the phones didn’t work either? Or his cell phone despite it having international coverage?

Yeah, that kept me laughing—a lot.

Then came my husband’s first communication with me—a text telling me that while walking a coffee plantation, he lost his footing on the slick steep mountainside and wrenched his knee. That they don’t have ice machines in the hotels. Or a freezer section in the market. Or those nifty little first-aid packets that become and instant icepack when cracked.

Oh, the fun continues. And yes, I’m still smiling.

Then there’s me. I’ve been recovering post surgery super fast, baffling my surgeon. I figure that’s a good thing. After all, if you’re going to baffle your doctor, might as well be this way. But…that changed…today when I had to go in for an unscheduled check up due to leakage. Now, leakage is not all that uncommon, following my particular surgery…unless you’re me. Then things get not only uncommon but also downright weird.

My incision began seeping a little late last night. So I called my surgeon’s office first thing this morning. They scheduled me to come in. When my doctor removed the surgical tape covering the incision, he seemed truly perplexed. Why? Because he couldn’t find any opening in the incision. Scratching his head, he wondered aloud how I could be leaking with no opening for the fluid to exit through. Is this odd? Oh, heck yeah! For me? Not even close, for odd things tend to happen to me all the time. So how do I cope? I keep smiling—a lot!

And I’m still smiling and can’t help but to be impressed with just how odd this latest occurrence is.

Then there’s my one daughter, away at college, who days ago was informed that she won’t be graduating at the end of this year as was hoped. She had transferred after her freshman year to a new college and some of the credits were lost in the process. Alas, what are you going to do? Happens all the time. My husband and I weren’t upset, but our daughter was. Well, more frustrated than upset. Couple that with her being homesick, and not a good situation.

So…my other daughter thought she and our granddaughter could go out for a cheer-you-up visit. All the plans got solidified, and they were to head out this coming Monday. Our daughter placed a call to her homesick sis to confirm. It was then that she was informed that her sister was coming home tomorrow. What? Seems she’d just broken up with her boyfriend of four years and needed to be home, surrounded by her family.

What happens next? Lord, that can be such a loaded question…. But in the case of our girls, the one daughter will drive in tomorrow. It’ll be great to visit with her over the holiday weekend. Plus she’ll now be able to be a part of her niece’s first Halloween. Then, come Monday, both our girls will load up in their individual cars and tailgate back to where our daughter is going to school. Why? Well, because our one daughter had already made plans with folks and told them that she’d be coming out there for a visit with the baby, and everyone is so looking forward to their arrival.

Okay, I’ve got to admit that the irony in all of this has really got me smiling.

Here our one daughter and granddaughter were going out to cheer up our other daughter. But now our homesick daughter is coming home and will then tailgate with her sister for the long drive back out of state to help her with the baby.

Yup, this is how things roll in my family. Crazy, ever evolving and with never a dull moment, I laugh and smile my way through whatever comes my way. And best of all, my nucleus family laughs right along with me, even through the weirdness.

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