Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Ever notice how some of the most profound thoughts we come across are those written on the little strips of paper found in fortune cookies? Not saying they’re all good. They’re not. But every once in a while….

I got one last night that said: the most beautiful adventures are not those we go to seek. At first glance, I thought, oh, how sweet. But then, the more I pondered that cookie’s concept, the more it grew on me, until now, I can’t seem to stop thinking about it.

It’s like the saying: when we go looking for love, we’ll never find it, but as soon as we stop, bam, there it is. I view this fortune the same, for I know that whenever I actively seek out an adventure, I’m so focused on achieving what I believe the end result should be that it’s almost as if I have blinders on to the multitude of other possibilities.

You know, it’s similar to looking for our perfect match. As we go through our day, our eyes pealed for the exact one our mind has conjured up, we pass by many others, some of who are probably better fits to our true needs.

So what does this mean to me? That I will continue to walk my journey through life with a willing spirit that’s ready to embrace whatever comes my way, not just what I seek.

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